public scholarship

As a Public Voices Fellow (2018-2019) with The OpEd Project, I received extensive training and mentoring in public scholarship. I am passionate about connecting with diverse audiences and in multiple languages; my language competencies include Spanish (C1), Italian (C1), and French (B1). I also train my students in doing public scholarship so that they are better equipped to communicate, translate, and disseminate their research across diverse disciplines and publics. 

Over the past several years, I have written on an array of topics in the form of op-eds and commentaries and for a variety of media outlets, including The Hill, The Conversation, Civil Eats, Latino Rebels, Inside Higher Ed, Scientific American, Sapiens, and Arizona Daily Star (links provided below). I have also been a guest on a number of podcasts, radio shows (e.g., PRI’s The World, AZPM), and television segments. I co-produce the Nutrire CoLab podcast with members of our feminist collective. 

In recognition of my public-facing work, I was named a Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology (2020). In recent years, I was a Udall Public Policy Fellow (2019-2020) and a Faculty Scholar of the Fulbright Schuman European Union Public Affairs Program at the Migration Policy Centre (2021-22).

Op-eds & Commentaries:

Bellante, L., Carney, M.A., Owen, G. 2022. “Leveraging university resources to build awareness, support regional food policy, and disrupt dominant narratives guiding food-based development: Examples from University of Arizona’s Center for Regional Food Studies.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 11(3): 9-11.

Carney, M.A. 2022. “Street-level reception in Europe at a time of war.” Fulbright Schuman blog:

Carney, M.A. 2022. “Deciphering the links between food crises and migration.” Migration Policy Centre

Carney, M.A. and Vannini, S. 2021. “Italy’s citizenship debate: how a country of emigrants is learning to live with immigrants.” The Conversation

Carney, M.A. 2021. “Migrant Solidarity Work.” Anthropology News

Carney, M.A. 2021. “The Time for Migrant Solidarity is Now”. Arizona Daily Star

Carney, M.A. 2021. “Another System of Migration is Possible.” The Hill

Carney, M.A. 2021. “How Migrant Filmmakers Practice Archival Activism.” Sapiens

Carney, M.A. 2021. “Nothing Normal About Getting Tenure This Year.” Inside Higher Ed 

Carney, M.A. and T. Mares. 2021. “How the Pandemic Made It Harder for Immigrants to Access Food.” Civil Eats

Carney, M.A. 2021. “‘Unaccompanied Minors’ increasing around the world.” Arizona Daily Star.

Carney, M.A. 2021. “The End of Women as Buffers.” Latino Rebels. 

Ostrach, B. and Carney, M.A. 2020. “Lessons from European Austerity Facilitate Grassroots Collective Responses amid COVID-19.” Anthropology Now.

Ostrach, B., K. Lynch, A. Houston, and M. Carney. 2020. “Conditions of Immigration Detention Increase Risks for COVID-19 Disease Interactions.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly Blog.

Carney, M.A. 2020. “Amid COVID-19, US should embrace the right to food.” The Hill

Carney, M.A. and Ostrach, B. 2020. “Austerity, Not COVID-19, Strains National Healthcare Systems.” Somatosphere

Carney, M.A. 2020. “Vital Lessons from Italy’s Battle with COVID-19.” Arizona Daily Star

Carney, M.A. 2020. “When politicians turn immigration into a ‘crisis,’ they hurt their own people.” The Conversation

Carney, M.A. and Dickinson, M. 2019. “SNAP cuts link to deeper history of discrimination, policing of citizenship.” Arizona Daily Star

Dickinson, M. and Carney, M.A. 2019. “Owning up to the failures of welfare reform.” The Hill

Carney, M.A. 2019. “US must end hunger in immigrant detention.” The Hill

Gálvez, A. and Carney, M.A. 2019. “The Illusion and Peril of Food ‘Choice.’” Sapiens

Yates-Doerr, E. and Carney, M.A. 2019. “For People Fleeing Central America, Hunger May Not Look Like Hunger.” Latino Rebels

Carney, M.A. 2019. “Io Sono Qui, a film that upends narratives of ‘crisis’ through the voices of migrant youth.” (“Io Sono Qui, un film che capovolge le narrative di ‘crisi’ con le voci di giovani migranti.”) Youth Circulations

Carney, M.A. 2019. “A child’s chronic illness should prompt your support, not pity.” Arizona Daily Star

Carney, M.A. and Gálvez, A. 2019. “The International Politics of Gut Health.” Scientific American 

Carney, M.A. and Krause, K.C. 2019. “Cultivating a network of citizen-scientists to track change in the Sonora-Arizona foodshed.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. DOI: 

Carney, M.A. 2019. “Food Insecurity is a Legitimate Basis for Seeking Asylum.” The Hill.

Carney, M.A. 2019. “Toddler Tantrums, the National Parks, and Shutdown Woes: Why We Must Begin Shutdown Recovery Efforts Now, Beginning with Our Parks.” Thrive Global.

Carney, M.A. 2018. “Countries that welcome immigrants and refugees are happier.” The Hill.

Carney, M.A., Sterling, F.G., and Gonzalez, R. 2018. “Challenges to health equality go beyond having insurance.” Arizona Daily Star.

Carney, M.A. 2018. “Making School Lunches Free for All Should Be a National Priority.” Civil Eats.  

Carney, M.A. 2018. “A Holiday Card to the Fallen (Brown) Soldier.” Latino Rebels.

Carney, M.A. 2018. “At Thanksgiving, Trump’s public charge policy threatens food security.” The Hill.